2012. április 23., hétfő

Definition of the problem

The NGO approach - What the hell is in the deep south?

This project is planned to support the livelihood of the pastoralist community in Gayo PA, Dhas District of Borana Zone. The activities going to be undertaken in this specific project includes rehabilitation of one traditional ella with cattle trough. In all aspect of the rehabilitation and other development work, the local government and other stakeholders will be contacted to bring about sustainability. The local community will make their share in form of free labour contribution during the rehabilitation process.

The failure of the March/April 2011 main rains has resulted in the deterioration of food security situation in the drought-affected pastoral and agro-pastoral areas as well as in some belg-cropping parts of Ethiopia. Following a complete failure of the 2010 September-November rains and related harvests, the 2011 March-May rains began late and performed erratically. These situations have led to substantial harvest failure, a decrease in water availability, deteriorating pasture conditions and livestock losses in the southern, south-eastern pastoral and agro-pastoral parts of the country. Current identified needs and gaps in the country include food assistance for 4.6 million people until December 2011, and additional people requiring access to food, livelihood protection, and the need for commencement of recovery plans.  Availing means to access food coupled with livelihood protection measures and initiating recovery activities is paramount to improve local food production and access to food in the pastoral and adjoining agro-pastoralist areas.  

In drought affected pastoral and agro-pastoral areas of south and south-eastern lowlands of Borana; mainly, Dhas district is largely dry and with no pasture and water. This has resulted in the death of considerable number of livestock. In this pastoral area, the situation has severely deteriorated as the primary source of livelihood which is food/income from livestock and milk production has worsened due to the emaciated physical conditions of livestock as well as the large number of livestock deaths. Similarly, consumption and income sources from non livestock production engagement are not expected this season due to the poor performance of 2011 belg/genna rains in the district..

Meeting was conducted at district’s local government structures and the community. The emphasis was given to the comparatively drought stricken PAs located in the districts depending on the following criteria as rectified by the respective districts taskforces.
  Poor water supply areas as the result of malfunctioning of water infrastructures and prolonging of drought.
    The scarcity of pasture and water in the PAs
    The area where livestock death rate was comparatively reported high
  Area over run by high coverage of bush encroachment
    The areas where massive migration detected
    Existence of school drop outs in the PA

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